4 Common Tricks To Sort Your Phone Charging Issues


Situations when you find that your cellphone doesn't charge properly. (or worse doesn't charge at all) can be a real pain. And though the first instinct is to run at the nearest service centre- truth be told, there are few things you can try before heading off to the repair shop.

This post explains some of those tricks to resolve the issue.

  • Properly Cleaning The Charging Port

Ray Matthews: specialising in all sorts of mobile phone repairs Wollongong says clearly:

"Charging issues may also arise due to some dirt or a tiny piece of lint getting stuck inside the charging port. Such tiny pieces components come from your trouser/jeans pocket or even from inside your purse.

Bit by bit, this accumulates and eventually creates a barrier that prevents contact between the USB port and the charger."

You should look to blow air inside the USB port to remove these tiny particles. You can also insert something like a toothpick or an old toothbrush inside the slots to eliminate any obstacles present inside.

Try again, and maybe it will work.

  • Inspecting The Cables Properly

Many phone repair technicians near Wollongong hold faulty charging cables as a hindrance to proper charging of the device. And while the primary adapter may last for a good span, the same cannot be said about its charging cables.

One good way would be to check with another cable charger. If your device charges fine, then it indeed means your former charging cable is not ideal. But, if the issue exists, then you will know that your charging cable is not the villain of the situation!

  • Checking The Wall Adapter

If the cable is not the culprit, it could be your wall-mounting adapter. You can try using the adapter and cable combo for another device, and if a fault exists, then you know that this woeful situation is due to some issue with your handset- not your adapter!

  • Restrict Phone Usage When Being Charged

Many users have a habit of using their smartphones when it is being charged. A word of advice would be not to do it! The reason being, the applications that you use are consuming the battery charge bit-by-bit. This makes it difficult for your device to retain its charge for a longer span.

Another situation is when you use too much of your device when it is being charged. The device battery consumption is so high that the battery might not charge- or lose more charge- thus presenting the impression that your device is not charging even when it is connected to the main power source!

Final Say:

Try out these tricks in case your phone has a charging problem. But if they don't work, then it is a clear sign that your device needs professional phone repairs in Wollongong from a certified technician.

Speak to them first about the issue and then request their service quote. And if their rates seem rational enough, schedule an appointment and take it to their repair shop immediately!

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